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K-State 固定路线

K-State 和 ATA Bus 合作为整个曼哈顿市的学生、教职员工提供免费公共交通服务。


对于 2021 年秋季学期,Park n' Ride 将在周一至周五以 15 分钟的频率运行。 “K Bus”将顺时针运行,“S Bus”将逆时针运行。查看我们的手册以了解更多信息。

How This Impacts You 

We understand that transportation can often be a barrier for so many and now with the addition of cost being added, ATA Bus is working to find solutions for KSU riders now, and for reestablishing the ride-free service in the future. 

If you are a user of the ATA Bus system, you will now need to be prepared to pay the fare when using the fixed route system or any other ATA services outside of campus. 

Fares can be paid with exact US currency (cash or change) or a bus pass.


Bus passes can be purchased at locations throughout the community or digitally using the Transit app

If you are unable to afford fare or a bus pass, please contact us to receive a Half-Fare card or locate places in the community where free passes are available. 

What You Can Do To Help

If you have been affected by these changes and would like to help us work to reestablish the "ride free" option for K-State students, staff, and faculty, please check out the options below:

Send a letter to the group that best represents you and your interests letting them know you support the return of the "Ride Free" service and funding: 

For Students  >

For Staff >

Follow our social media accounts to stay engaged and help spread the word:


Invite us on campus to talk with you and your peers about how we can better support the Student Life on and off campus!


马拉特大道 5815 号
堪萨斯州曼哈顿 66503
(785) 537-6345

ATA Bus values collaborative work with our University and we look forward to exploring as many resources as possible to ensure this valuable benefit is available at K-State.

Thank you for your time and support to work together so that students, staff, and faculty at K-State can continue to have free, easy access to transportation in the Manhattan community!


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