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Heures d'ouverture
Due to building construction, the FHATA Facility is CLOSED to the public every day other than Wednesdays until further notice. Please contact us if you are needing to visit the facility for any reason.
Heures de service
Lundi vendredi:
7h00 - 19h00
9h00 - 19h00 (Manhattan)
Facilité FHATA
Lundi vendredi:
8h00 - 17h00
Samedi & Dimanche :
Heures de vacances
Les services ne sont PAS offerts ces jours-là.
Vacances Date
Jour de Thanksgiving 25/11/2021
la veille de Noël 24/12/2021
le jour de Noël 25/12/2021
réveillon de Nouvel an 31/12/2021
Le jour de l'An 01/01/2022
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